Fallout 4 best energy weapon
Fallout 4 best energy weapon

fallout 4 best energy weapon

Plasma weapons break out and become top-tier once you've got high quality mods installed though.

fallout 4 best energy weapon

It's a bit of a noob trap, when I first started playing I used a Plasma pistol a ton instead of using the Deliverer This, and with the uncommon ammo, the Plasma gun isn't as great as it initially seems. This also makes Plasma Weapons extremely sensitive to Range, as the damage dropoff is more pronounced with two lower damages fighting two armor resistances. Plasma Weapons tend to have much higher base damage to compensate. Not entirely true, dividing the total damage across two resistances actually results in lower damage than consolidating it under one. I do understand what you're saying, and my complaint is mostly the lack of that fun feeling of getting a new weapon It's kind of boring having only one weapon do all of them, but with ballistics weapons of the same basic function still feel like they play differently, like the Gauss Rifle and it's charging feels different from a normal sniper rifle or a Lever Action Rifle. They do have multiple ways of playing them, but it still feels limited to me. What I do not like about this sytem though, is how ugly the laser/plasma pistols wind up looking, as they're scaled for rifle arms and overly big lol. I like it from a gameplay perspective, you can actually carry mods with you and swap out functions in the field if you find a bench.

fallout 4 best energy weapon

For example, a laser SMG is functionally no different than the Automatic Laser Rifle. There's a lot of variation here though, at least functionally. The energy weapons all derrive their function from the base laser/plasma rifle mod kit. And the scattershot plasma rifle is 1 of my favorite weapons in the game. Originally posted by Plays In Traffic:Plasma weapons are great because they do both ballistic & energy dmg, most enemy's are good against 1 or the other.

Fallout 4 best energy weapon